response to stress

美 [rɪˈspɑːns tu stres]英 [rɪˈspɒns tu stres]
  • 对压力的反应
response to stressresponse to stress
  1. How do you think your personality may influence your response to stress ?


  2. The response to stress is what often needs to be controlled .


  3. For example , there is more than one kind of response to stress .


  4. Research Progress on Enzymatic Antioxidant System Response to Stress in Cotton


  5. Police Occupational stress factors Response to stress Work locus control ;


  6. Plant hormone ABA is a key regulator of plant growth and development as well as response to stress .


  7. These proteins may be involved in the cardiovascular response to stress and the stress-induced cardiovascular injury .


  8. Men , too , release oxytocin in response to stress , but male hormones minimize its effects .


  9. Hepatocyte damage and hepatic dysfunction lead to changes of the body in response to stress inevitably following traumatic shock .


  10. Importantly , the ANS adjusts and modifies the internal bodily functions in response to stress .


  11. Conclusion Heat and wound can cause increase of glucagons . The changes were consistent with the organism 's response to stress .


  12. Cortisol helps the body to raise blood sugar levels and blood pressure in response to stress but also causes changes in mood and memory .


  13. Changes of integrin β _3 , paxillin and vinculin in vascular smooth muscle cells in response to stress


  14. Conclusion General anesthesia combined with epidural block can markedly suppress the response to stress by preventing NE increases in response to surgery .


  15. We need to consider whether for some women , smoking is a response to stress in their lives , one of the few'pleasures'that are relatively easily acquired .


  16. AIM : To observe the effect of Hi-method for body and mind regulation on heart rate and salivary cortisol level response to stress reaction .


  17. The humoral immune reaction of the laser group was faster than that of the scalpel group , and its ability of response to stress was greater .


  18. One is that caffeine interferes with the body 's production of cortisol , a hormone that 's released in response to stress and low blood glucose .


  19. In the high temperature and salt stress condition , the non-heading Chinese cabbage have the most positive response to stress on the third day during the seedling growth . 4 .


  20. In this review , we summarize in detail the molecular biological function of WRKY proteins in regulating specific signaling pathways during development or in response to stress factors .


  21. Turned out that the teens who had a lower response to stress actually had higher rates of crashes and near crashes than did those with higher stress sensitivity .


  22. Recent data have indicated an interplay among hypothalamus , pituitary gland , adrenal medulla , and sympathetic nerve terminals as the neuroendocrine response to stress .


  23. Male rats exposed to stressful experiences - like smelling the odor of a fox - will father pups that have a dampened response to stress .


  24. Results showed that the level of occupational stress in managers was significantly higher than that in clerks , and their response to stress was more serious in managers than that in clerks .


  25. Maize is one of the largest water consumption crops , researching water deficit on the change of physiology and morphology and response to stress can provide essential theoretical foundation for the practical agriculture production .


  26. Estradiol was thought to be involved in the role of sex difference in response to stress and energy metabolism . To investigate the possible integrate site and mechanism , we designed three sets of experiment .


  27. These proteins were implied to have functions in metabolisms of protein , nucleic acid , and carbohydrate , signal transduction events , cellular transport , response to stress and oxidation / reduction .


  28. Dr Obel suspects the immediate cause is that male pregnancies are more likely to miscarry in response to stress than female pregnancies are , especially during the first three months .


  29. Various data is consistent between the result of the MSAP analysis in 9782 roots and leaves , It is suggested that different organizations of the same material in response to stress the same responses in basically .


  30. In keeping with previous work , they found that high - and low-rank individuals showed different levels of responsiveness to a class of hormones called glucocorticoids , which regulate immune-system activity and response to stress .
